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Dikter om vänskap


I got a piece of paper
and I wrote this poem for you,
but there's no way to thank you
for everything you do.

For always being nice to me
and staying by my side,
for helping fix my problems
and never leaving me behind.

For accepting my thoughts and feelings,
though you do not understand,
for never giving up on me
and being my best friend.

For making me laugh-
and letting me cry
and saying you'd miss me
if I were to die.

Everything you mean to me
you could never know.
In all the ways you've changed my life
I could never show.

The way you take care of me,
you're my shining star
and though it's so incredible
that's just the way you are.

Before I get too mushy
it's time for me to go,
but before I leave this ink-filled page
there's one thing you should know.

As long as we are living,
no matter when or where,
if you ever need me-
just call and I'll be there.

I'll climb a thousand mountains
and swim a thousand seas..
anything to be there
'cause you've been there for me.
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