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Roliga dikter

one minute poem

I've been in a mood
To write a poem or two
I don't know why
I do what I do
I guess it's just a natural thing
Like cutting a ham or sucking a string
All of these rhymes are in my head
Though they aren't good
Still give me some cred
Some people are weird
Some people are schmoes
Some people are just big stinking chodes
I choose not to be
A mean mean person
To be mean is to be scared
And I do declare
That I enjoy my decadent poems
For they foreshadow
What I can not see
And what I can not taste
Like gloopy glue paste
Or plastic veneers
Did anyone notice how much Mrs. Scoggin sneers?
The hallways are packed
With stupid dumb sheep
When I complain. I must be bleeped.
No school. No more.
I hateth thee!
You farce! You arse!
I can not be free!
Of all the idiotic idioms
And all the practical practices
Forget the idioms! Forget the sheep!
Practice not but snooze you fool!
Snooze I say! Snooze!
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15 jul 06 - 05:55
(Har blivit läst 533 ggr.)
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