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Min älskade mamma/Raven

Raven, the blackest bird
The bird who can fly as high as all the other birds,
But who choose to stay close to the ground,
Not because it is afraid of heights,
It’s because it doesn’t need to see the beautiful view that everyone else already sees,
It stays down, looking in the trash to find the beauty,
The beauty that no one sees,
The beauty that no one notices,
Raven is earthly,
Raven is not horrifying,
Raven is a beautiful bird,
A bird who is beautiful as all the other birds,
But don’t need to hear it,
Or see it.
For it has already found the most beautiful of them all,
The unique thing that only the raven has,
and that is
Raven, the blackest bird
gleams the brightest in the beautiful view.
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