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When A Boy Tells You He Loves You

When a Boy tells you that he loves You for the first time,
It will feel like the world stops spinning
Like everything slows down and maybe does your heart even stop beating for a while
Because you know, that Love is something special

Thanks to all of the story books your mama ever read to you as a child, and all the heartbreaking songs you listened to in your early teens, and as in the romantic movies you watch with your girlfriends,
you know that when a Boy says that he loves You, you know that life can finally begin.
A life filled with roses, eating ice cream together out in the sun, running through the rain looking for shelter but end up kissing under a big tree with some really nice lamps in the background.
A life filled with happiness, and the feeling of never being alone again is starting now
Because a Boy told you that he loves You.

It does not matter if he is the first boy ever to tell you that he is in love with you, nor does it matter if he is the 34th boy that tells you that he loves you
All that really does matter, is that he Loves You. How honest and/or sober he is while saying this, will of course matter a whole lot to other people, but the fact that he said Those Three Words is all that will matter to you.
Sadly, you will most likely regret the fact that you didnt analyze the situation of this later when said boy breaks your heart like its a spider on the wall.

When a Boy tells you that he loves You,
it will feel like the earth stops spinning.
The same thing happens when he decides that you are not good enough to be loved anymore.

When a Boy tell you that he no longer Loves you,
it will feel like the earth stops spinning
It will becomes hard to breath, and in your mind you curse every single story your mama ever read to you, you curse the love songs, and you curse every single movie you ever watched with a happy ending.
A knot in your chest will take form, and faster than you would expect it will grow like a tumor, and no surgeon will be able to remove it
And for every time you breath out, having your chest inflate a little, your ribs will tighten their grip around your lungs like an anaconda will suffocate their pray, and you wont be able to breath anymore because a Boy no longer loves You

Because when a Boy tells you that he loves You for the first time,
protect your heart.
Hold it in your hands, gently like it is a baby bird, and let him know that you are more than willing to share laughter, love and yourself with him, but that your heart is your own, and that he has no business coming near it

Inte en novell kanske, men visste inte vart jag skulle lägga det annars
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Engelfuck - 13 aug 14 - 13:43- Betyg:
Riktigt bra
martobicat - 13 aug 14 - 12:40
Jag håller med -Anna-!

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13 aug 14 - 03:21
(Har blivit läst 268 ggr.)
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