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Midnight Academy kap 13

Nya delen! Hoppas ni gillar den...
Satt och läste igenom era kommentarer häromdagen och ville bara tacka er för att ni läser och kommenterar Midnight Academy, om ni inte gjorde det skulle jag nog inte skriva så mycket på den.. :)

Struggling to get away from the person who was dragging me to the showers – I bit the hand that was covering my mouth, I heard a groan but the person didn’t loosen its grip, I gave up in the end; the person was too damn strong. With this I could guess who the person was. We came to a halt when we had reached the showers, the hand covering my mouth released its grip but covered my eyes instead. My body was lead to one of the walls; I was pushed backwards until my back hit the wall. Then the hand that had guided my body pushed me down so I was sitting on the floor – still with my eyes being covered. Annoyed, I reached out my hand – searching for the persons face, I found it – or rather I found his face. I traced his strong jawline with my fingers until I reached the mouth, he opened his mouth slightly – I slid one of my fingers into his mouth, touching his teeth. I gasped when a sharp tooth hit my finger – the hand covering my eyes disappeared and I saw Daniel sitting cross-legged in front of me. He still had my finger in his mouth – softly biting it – I gasped and pulled back.
Daniel chuckled softly; his expression seemed different, like he was more relaxed.
“Hey, there,” Daniel murmured, giving me a crooked smile. Oh my…that smile could cause an accident.
“What’s with the kidnapping technique?” I asked, trying to hide the fact that I’m blushing.
“Thought you wouldn’t come if I asked you normally,” Daniel said.
“True,” I murmured, avoiding his eyes.
“Also, I thought that you wouldn’t come to my dorm after your patrolling, so I thought that I would be better to talk to you here,” he smirked and started toying with my hair.
“What do you want?” I gulped, suddenly feeling nervous as I gazed at him, but then I remembered that he had bit me this evening and I suddenly felt quite pissed instead.
“Or rather why did you bit me this evening?” I said coldly, crossing my arms. Daniel sighed and leaned closer – our faces were only inches apart, his black eyes stared curiously at me. Taking a breath, filling myself with courage, I held his gaze steadily.
“I bit you because you’re my consort, I’m allowed to do that,” Daniel said matter-of-factly.
“You’re pretty full of yourself, huh, I’m not your consort,” I said, glaring at him.
“Watch your mouth,” Daniel murmured, his voice had a dangerous ring in it.
“What are you going to do about it?” I asked – my better self knew that I should just stay quiet – for my own safety, but I never said I was a good girl. Daniel stared at me in disbelief; he shook his head as if he had a conversation with himself. His hair tickled my forehead as he shook his head, his black hair had that sexy I-just-woke-up look to it, without overdoing it – I sure hate to admit it but Daniel is attractive, I can’t help it but my hormones run wild when I see him – but then I guess it’s his vampire-charm that does the trick. His dark eyes caught mine and held them steadily, I swallowed loudly – it felt like I was balancing on a dangerously thin thread over a cliff. I couldn’t guess his next move.
“Look, you said that you’d give me answers, so…spit it out,” I said. Daniel chuckled, his breath tickled my skin – it sent shivers down my spine.
“What if I told you that if you ever want to see that old geezer again, you’ll have to become my consort?” Daniel smirked. God – that idiot is so full of himself!
“What do you mean?” I snarled. Daniel put his forehead against mine, his skin felt cold against my flushed skin.
“Oh, you sure are slow sometimes missy,” Daniel chuckled. He slowly moved his head, breaking our contact – his lips traveled down my neck, I felt my breath quicken – not by excitement, but with fear.
Daniel froze – his lips still on my neck. I turned my head towards the sound and saw Erik standing there with a gun pointing at Daniel.
“I thought you were I bit slow so I came in to check on you,” Erik murmured, his voice filled with anger. “Back away from her.”
Daniel sighed heavily and rolled his eyes, holding up his hands as in defeat – he slowly backed away from me.
“There, happy?” Daniel said, glaring at Erik. “Put that gun away.”
“Not gonna happen,” Erik snarled. He took a small step closer to me and grabbed my elbow – pulling me to my feet without breaking the eye contact with Daniel.
“Where the hell is Alistar” I asked Daniel, shrugging of Erik’s hand – did he really have to play the hero now?
“If you come with me I’ll tell you,” Daniel smirked – oh, could someone just beat that smirk off his face?
“Well then, lead the way,” Erik said, raising an eyebrow.
“Not you hero-boy, only her,” Daniel said nodding his head at my direction. I was standing beside Erik and I could feel his body tense – shit, this might end badly if this continues.
“Fine! I’ll go,” I said, I started to move closer to Daniel when Erik grabbed my arm, pulling me backwards.
“Both of us go, end of discussion,” Erik said coldly and his finger played dangerously along the trigger of the gun.
“Okay, you two solve this matter and I’ll go patrolling. I have a feeling that we will be standing here the whole morning if we have it your way. So to spare some time I’ll go ahead and do the patrol,” I said matter-of-factly and turned on my heel, leaving the two idiots alone. Do they really have to act like two Alfa-males that are fighting over their territory?
“Erika wait!”
I heard Erik calling but I ignored him – I was just about to step out of the locker-room when I heard a shot being fired – no, he didn’t…?
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Fribergska - 16 maj 14 - 01:36- Betyg:
Inte sluta så!!!!
Tycker faktiskt hon var för hård mot Erik. Han var ju faktiskt en hjälte :)
Och Daniel... alltså.. snälla, plocka ner honom några pinnhål. Han är verkligen odräglig. ;)

Dessutom förstår jag inte varför inte Erika bara tar och drar därifrån. Måste de fortsätta acceptera skolan och dess "regler" när Daniel uppenbarligen inte gör det.
Har hon ingen annanstans hon kan vara. Varför bry sig om att patrullera? Dessutom verkar hon vara extremt dålig på att patrullera- hon har ju inte lyckats försvara sig en endaste gång på egen maskin....

:) Nu har du mig att fundera till nästa del... Ska bli kul att se.
MyBlackBird - 16 maj 14 - 01:08- Betyg:
Knew it!! Haha yes just gonna love the vampyrie! Men jag har en känsla av att det var Erik som fick ta skottet :( Men det får nästa del avslöja!

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16 maj 14 - 01:02
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