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the Hunger games letters 1


You hurt me more than anyone. You killed my sister, my beautiful Primrose. I know it was never your intention, but it was your plan. It was your bombs that turned her into a burning human being, it was your idea that killed her right in front of my eyes.
Our friendship was one of a kind and I will never forget you, but I cannot stand to see you again. I am with Peeta now, we are married and have two beautiful children. I will never forget the time we had, I will never forget the day we met in the woods after our fathers died in that coal-mine explosion. Everything I did, all the hunting, volonteering for my sister in the Games, it was all for my little duck, Prim, and now she is gone.

I see her in my daughter, the way she adored the cakes in the bakery and in her blonde hair. In her caring hands and watching her reading our family book about healing plants. I will never forget how you never let them starve when I was one of the tributes in the Games, but the image of your bombs setting her on fire, burning her to death will never go away.
It hurts me so much I have a hard time to breathe when I see my daughter playing on the mass grave, she is not aware of it being a graveyard yet, but some day she will know. And I cannot stop thinking that Prim, you and I should have had the opportunity to grow up like that. Without the lack of food, the lack of fathers and without being terrified for having to go to that reaping every year.
I see Prim everywhere and even though it has been more than ten years since she passed away I am still struggling to accept that she is the dead one while I would take that place for her any given day. Gale, I wish I was dead instead of her.

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sookisweetie - 24 jul 13 - 04:05
Wow, nice :)

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14 jul 13 - 13:04
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