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Dikter om vänskap


Can you hear me when I call you in the middle of the night?
Will you catch me when I’m falling from the cliffs above so high?
Are you with me when I’m crying, all alone and no one’s near?
Will you support me on a mission when there is no one’s standing there?

Will you be the friend who’s staying when the others walk away?
Can you bear me when I tierd and are calling out for an aid?
Will you hold me when I’m lonely, when there are no one here who cares?
Will you lift me on your shoulders when I’m down and all is bad?

Can you guide me when I’m doing everything that aren’t right?
Will you be the one who’s with me all my days and nights in life?
Can you love me when I need it but deserve it less of all?
Will you be the one I’m taking to my heart and give a home?
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25 nov 11 - 14:37
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