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A Princes Confession - del 21

Kap 21
The cold bastard had escaped even though we had the best strategy. But the words of that lifeless monster had said something that was imprinted like a tattoo, thee all that follow the Moon shall perish, what did he mean by that?
The wound I got had healed on the outside but I could still feel some numbness on the inside. Since I couldn’t change, we decided at the brink of the moment that I would be the bait. Once we lured it out, it came at me and Liam attacked but missed the spot that could have killed it.
I looked at Ayaka how she was playing with the now healing Yarjuun. Yarjuun is the youngest to have changed into a werewolf, once changed into a wolf it takes a while to get back to the human form. Liam was probably out with her to show her how to hunt. Just by imagining how that cold one attacked her made me even more furious but what held me back was how she was healing. The sight of both Ayaka and Yarjuun was calming me.
“She’s adorable” Ayaka said, her lips curled into a smile.
“She likes you”
“Really? I hardly did anything”
“Sometimes the smallest gestures overrule the bigger ones. That you stayed by her side when you know wolves can kill you means a lot to her”
Suddenly Ayaka froze, “She…could kill me?” she said, almost like a robot.
I lay down on my back and was laughing to my fullest. “You didn’t know? C’mon she is a wolf!”
“I guess looks can really deceive…”
I noticed how Yarjuun started flinching, Shou! I feel like I’m changing back! Yarjuun cried.
I took hold of Ayaka’s legs and shoulders and picked her up quickly. “W-what!” she exclaimed.
“Time for you to sleep” I murmured.
We were walking through the dark and quiet corridor towards her room. “Seven o’clock tomorrow, remember?”
“It’s around five o’clock and you think I’ll wake up earlier than seven?”
“Geez you’ll get your eight hours of sleep”
“And you require more?”
“Of course!” I said grinning.
Ayaka awkwardly opened the door with her hand while she was in my arms. I gently laid her on the bed but she sat up again, saying that she needed to change. Before I was going I turned around and looked back at her, “Thank you, for what you did to Yarjuun”
“You’re welcome…” she said, I don’t know if it was the light from outside that deceived my eyes but I could spot faint red streaks on her cheeks. I nodded and left.

I went back to my room and found a little figure sitting on my bed with my sheets around her. I sighed, “How does it feel? Your throat?” I asked.
“It hurts” the light voice said, it was still a bit hoarse.
“Well I’m glad you’re getting better” I went towards my cupboard and choose the tiniest shirt that never really did fit me and threw it on Yarjuun’s face.
“Thanks” she muttered in a dissatisfied manner. Yarjuun looks exactly how she does when she is a wolf. She has those wolf eyes, dark and gold. Her hair is short and brown; the edges were falling towards her throat. I could see the faint yet deep mark on her throat; it might take some time for her to heal. “Cool. First time you turn and you get hurt. Trust me, you’ll get used to getting hurt earlier than any of us” I joked.
She jumped off the bed and dashed towards me, but only putting her arms around me and closing her face towards my stomach. I patted her head. “Can I bite her windpipe off once you all get her?” Yarjuun said.
“Sure. My pleasure. Now leave, I want to sleep” I ordered.
“Right” she opened the large window and jumped off. I wasn’t really worried if the cold one would get to Yarjuun, we had left it in a pretty bad shape. It would probably want to use all day to heal.
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Fribergska - 23 nov 11 - 11:06- Betyg:
Gillar den lilla tösen. Yarjuun. Fint namn med. :-)

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22 nov 11 - 20:59
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