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Roliga dikter


Dunk, dunk, dunk.
Musiken dånar.

Väggarna skakar,
Golvet skakar.

Kalla vindpustar,
gardninen fladdrar,

Glas som klirrar
munnar som surrar.

Hej, det är fest!
Kommentera gärna detta verk!
Sätt ett sifferomdöme på verket: (Detta är frivilligt)

Fruktdryck - 22 sep 11 - 08:26
Den va bra.
i like.
Och du skål. ;)
elliot114 - 18 sep 11 - 12:42
denvar bra.
mayababy - 26 aug 11 - 12:46
Hello Dear!!!,

I am mayadion,i just read through your profile now, and i was deeply moved. I think that you are a very interesting person. So I decided to use the chance to get to know you. I do not think that the age appearance is so important. The most important is what is inside you and how do you feel about the life. I know this life from many sides and I am rather mature already to know how to make a man happy. I think we should use every chance to find our happiness. and I am contacting you for obvious reason which you will understand as we proceed. Reply me through my private email address so that I will send more details to you, and I have a very important thing to tell you, I still hope for your reply into my box, have a pleasant day,

FUIMTHEONE - 25 aug 11 - 21:40
Hos Mange? Skämt o sido, härlig dikt i alla fall!

Skriven av
24 aug 11 - 18:45
(Har blivit läst 560 ggr.)
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