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Your smile

I close my eyes, and the illusion begins…
First it become dark… and warm, because the darkness isn’t that could as the sun.
The sun makes you see all the bad things about everything, but the darkness make so you cant see anything, just feel the other one next to you…

…You cant move, think or talk because the darkness makes it impossible …and after a time in the darkness you starting to …disappear.

You cant see the bad things or the good things because the darkness hides them, and you will be alone in the darkness until the very end…

At first I got warm when the darkness increases because I cant see the bad people anymore … but then I got cold because I cant see the good things either…
But then I see you in the shadows… and I got filled by love, and happiness when you smile to me.
…I new you will save me from the darkness, and when you turn on the light I cant see the bad things anymore… because you hides them behind your beautiful smile.

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PussEmma - 5 mar 11 - 16:26- Betyg:
Åhh...så sjukt bra skrivet<3

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13 feb 11 - 19:12
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