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Övriga dikter

A long time ago

A long time ago we lived like children with nothing to fear

and no problems in the world. We lived from day to day and

enjoeyd every minute. We played soccer in the green grass

and did´nt bother to think to much about what was going to

happen in the future with us all and our t-shirts size were

still small. We just pressed play on the videogame and we

were together like humans with nothing to lose and some of

us saw a moose. We were to small to understand the

difficulties with being a human and we got on the train of


We grew up like brothers and sisters and all was equal

between us and we shared kisses between boys and girls. We

played our games and got love from our parents who always

were there to back us up when we got in a fight and they

made everything alright.

A long time ago we were free like the birds in the sky and

life were just passing by. Now we are living in different

parts of the world, but we are still a family with our

bounds to eachother and I love my mother and she raised us

right to avoid to fight.

A long time ago love captured us.
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