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A Prince´s Confession - 3

Kap 3
Walking through the beautiful night always calmed me down. I hated the rush inside the castle, when the entire annoying house cleaners run around. They can’t seem to work in silence, always have to run around. I sighed; I managed to get out of the castle yet again although I didn’t bring the right cloths with me. I had brown baggy pants on with black boots. Then I had a white open bleus with black linen under. There were many belts around my waist to hold of my pants. Half of my hair was tied up into a knot while the other half was just left away.
I looked ahead and to my surprise, I found a girl sitting there. I squinted my eyes to get a better look and I noticed with that black curly hair. Yes, I would never forget that little witch in my life. The one whom dared to point a finger against the all mighty prince of the village. Yet, she seemed interesting; she had the guts to go against me. And I needed someone to play with for some time.
She stamped towards me and I flinched.
“YOU!” she exclaimed.
By the way, she was moving towards me, it seemed like she also remembered me. I smiled and looked to the side.
“Am I that easy to remember?” I said, placing my hand on my cheek.
She stood a few inches away from me and examined me for a while.
I bent forward and looked down at her, “Ah so you realized just now how irresistible I am?” I said, in a mocking tone.
She then lifted her hand and punched me right at the face. It didn’t hurt that much, to tell the truth. But it was quite irritating that a peasant dared to touch me.
I put my hand on the place where she’d hit, “You’ve got some guts to hit me, don’t you, lowlife peasant” I said, in a harsh tone.
She flinched for a bit but then she let what I said sink down, “WHO’S THE THEIF HERE?!” she screamed.
My eyes widened and I looked at her in disbelief, “What thief?!” I said.
“Yeah! You were the one that came inside our flower shop! You know…I might look like a nice person whom can’t fight but I can! And I’m not afraid of a jerk like you!” she babbled out.
I kept on staring at her then starting to laugh, “You are an interesting peasant!” I said.
I bent forward towards her, and pushed her down on the ground.
“I’ll make your life living hell, from now on. It’s going to be fun seeing how I’ll ruin a peasant woman’s life. I’d actually like to see how more peasant you can be” I said.
She kept on staring at me with widened eyes, and then she bit her lip, “Hmf! You’re just like one of those stuck up men!” she said, and stood up.
I took hold of her hair, and she winced. Then I smelled it, which did have a good smell for being a peasant. Then I smiled and looked at her, “This is the punishment you will have to serve for defining such an important man,” I warned her.
If she was being this rude to someone like me, or the only one like me. That means, she doesn’t know I’m the prince. I’d like to toy around with her for a bit…then drop the bomb, I thought, laughing.
Then I started walking back, knowing that it was time to go back before everyone else goes berserk of me gone.
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blackgirl - 8 jun 10 - 01:21- Betyg:
Vad kul
Alla folk i era noveller har så fina relationer i början xD

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3 jun 10 - 15:02
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