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A different point of view - del 12

Kap 12


I followed Jerre on my way to school. Although I have to go my own way later on because he’s in an upper class than me. When we arrived, shock was the only thing on me.
When we were walking past the schoolgirls, everyone of them looking, more likely, glaring at both Jerre and Yura, I noticed.
Ah, I see, they’re both popular, I thought.
I could see some of them looking at me and then exchanged glances with they’re friends, murmuring stuff. I was a bit worried.
I didn’t want them to hate me but why would they anyways? Not because I’m with them? That’s just foolish. I thought.
Then they both stopped and pointed at a room.
“That’s our classroom,” Jerre said.
“Oh, well then I’ll see you!” I said, smiling, and walking away.
It took some time for me to find my way to my class. I was holding a mini map in case I would ever get lost. After a while, I found my classroom. Luck fully I made it in time.
The teacher was about to go inside, but then stopped when she looked at me.
She smiled and said, “Well, hello, are you the new transferred girl?” She asked.
“Yes, my name is Airi” I replied.
“Well, then you’ve come to the right room” She smiled at me.
The teacher looked pretty much like an adult, probably around her forties. She had black hair with a bit of grey blended into it. And a normal long skirt with a white bleus.
We both went inside, and I could feel everyone’s eyes on me. I couldn’t help but to feel a bit warm on my cheeks.
“Everyone, please sit down” The teacher yelled aloud.
At that instance, everyone was on the seat.
“This is your new classmate, her name is, Airi,” She said.
The teacher looked at me and gave me a gesture that I should move forward. So I did.
“Uhm…Hello, my name is Airi, and pleased to meet you all,” I said.
“There’s your seat, over there,” She pointed out. The seat was in the middle row against the window next to a girl.
I went and sat down next to her. She looked at me with a smile, and I smiled back.

Many hours had passed until lunch break started. I packed my bag, took it with me, and went straight to Jerre’s classroom. I opened it and everyone was quiet looking at me.
I smiled and twirled my way to Jerre’s desk. The seat in front of him was empty, so I used the chair and moved it in front of his desk. I looked at Jerre and he looked back at me as if I were a stupid, idiotic, monsteric, redhead fool. But I only smiled at him, his friends whom were around him looked at me too.
“Well, hello there” I said, with a bright smile.
Then all his friends started standing around me and talking so much. They asked me questions such as how I knew Jerre and stuff like that.
I noticed how Jerre got a little irritated, he sighed out load.
“Well everyone, it’s nice meeting you! I and Jerre have got to eat now!” I brushed them all off. Jerre scowled back at me, “I don’t have any lunch with me,” He said.
“I have” I replied, at the same time taking out two small lunch boxes.
I put one in front of him and the other in front of me.
All his friends looked when I opened mine, they were amazed, asking if I made it or not. Everyone was happy talking and all of them took parts of my food, just to try.
When the bell rang, it was the signal of, get up and get your fat asses back here!
So I packed Jerre’s and my lunch box and put them back down in the bag.
“I’ll come back tomorrow again,” I said, on my way out.
I was so happy being able to meet new people that I did not seem to look at my way. I went straight into someone. I put my hand on my nose ‘cause it hurt quite a lot, and then looked up at the really tall, tall, tall boy. He had spiky hair standing everywhere with different shades of dark color. He had scary piercings on his lips, nose, and five on each ear.
“I’m s-“he broke me off
“Oh my gawd! I’m so, so, so, sorry, young lady!” He said, with his voice high pitched.
I looked at him stunned, what the pigs whole is this?! I asked myself.
“Which class do you go in by the way?” He said, pursing his lips outwards
“Uhm…” I took a step backwards, “It’s the classroom over there,” I pointed.
“Wow! Then we’re in the same class” He said, grabbing my hand and taking me back to my class.

After the long hours of studying, we were finished. The first thing I knew what to do was, Escaaappeee!! I screamed.
I knew that weird guy would be following me, he has done that for a long time now, and he talks in such a girlish manners. I packed my bag fast and went straight out. I could hear behind me someone calling for my name, but I pretended not to hear and was literally running. He was too running behind me. I tried to speed up until someone caught my school sweater and I was hanging. I looked at my side, and it was that freaky ass guy.
“You weren’t stopping <3” He said, smiling.
“Sorry, I have things to do…” I looked at him for a while, “Could you let me go?” I asked.
“No.” He replied.
I glared at him, what? Not letting me go? I said to myself.
“Why?” I asked
“Because then you’ll run away from me, <3” He said, with his high-pitched ass voice.
Then I could smell the most wonderful scent in the bloody world.
Jerre was right in front of us, along with Yura on the side.
“What’s happening here?” He said, trying to look scary, which failed.
“Kyaaaaaaa…It’s Jerre-Sama <3” That guy said in a faintish voice.
“To shorten this up, he isn’t letting me go,” I pointed at that guy.
I could hear Jerre sigh. “Let her go, Pedro” And at that moment he said it, that guy called Pedro let me go. And I fell right on my buttocks. “Ouch” I said aloud.
Then at that instance, Jerre picked me up by using my sweater to jerk me up.
I was on my feet then; I took hold of my bag and went along with him home.
“Freaky guy huh?” I said
“A guy who wishes to be a girl” Jerre replied
“It’s all Jerre’s fault!” Yura spoke up.
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blackgirl - 8 apr 10 - 15:26- Betyg:
moahahaha sköning pedro är
pedro = freaky guy, weird guy <3
airi är så cool o de e jerre me
åh herregud nu har jag några delar att läsa igenom
så nu blir det maratonläsning
me like!!! <3
älskar er två
kramar o pussar i mass

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3 apr 10 - 01:16
(Har blivit läst 91 ggr.)
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