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The Shinigami Guard [Del 21]

den här novellen brukade läggas upp på A-asuka@dikta.se men eftersom att det är vi båda som skriver den, så passar den bättre på den här andvändaren.
så om du vill läsa början, kolla på A-asuka och leta efter the shinigami guard. resten utav delarna kommer läggas upp här ^^ den här novellen brukade läggas upp på A-asuka@dikta.se men eftersom att det är vi båda som skriver den, så passar den bättre på den här andvändaren.

Hoppas ni tycker om denna del! Glöm gärna alla stavfel o sånt.
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Kap 21

I was sitting in such a weird pose, but surprisingly it didn’t bother me at all. Hundred possibilities ran through my head, about Alexia was stuck behind my head, but also the way Jacob was looking at me. Jacob’s stare made me all red everywhere and quiet. It was as if he was looking at every piece of my body, and the way he moved my hair away sent shivers down my spine. I can say that Jacob’s the first crush I’ve ever had, well, after Alexander, but that’s another story. Jacob was so much nicer, he was pretty and gentle. I could sit and stare at him for hours, he looked like Hercules a strong person, he was beautiful. It makes me always jealous when other girls are surrounding him and I love the attention he gives me. He should actually forget me, but I had got used to him always talking to me, so I feel bitter when he has to ignore me.
Without noticing, I was leaning closer to him. My hair strand fell on his neck and chest, but I didn’t care. His eyes were had such a beautiful contrast with his hair. Ice blue eyes with the pitch-black hair. His hair was so styled that I wanted to ruin it, all boys hate when their hair gets ruined, so I wanted to ruin his. I took hold of his hair and ruffed it up, he was starting yelling while I was laughing. He grabbed my wrists and put this down, he moved his head a bit so the hair strands left his face, then he looked at me.
“What’s up with you!!” he said.
“Wanted to see your reaction, bad boy,” I said, grinning.
Jacob started laughing. He put my hands down, but my hands touched something rather interesting. To clarify that if I was touching the right thing, I squeezed my hands. Yep, it was in-between his legs, quite a big one too, it must be big if you can feel it clearly through jeans.
Jacob pushed himself forward as a reflex and moved my hands. I could feel his body stiffen and his face turn red. I laughed instead, “You were the one placing my hands there”
“How the heeeeee…would I know?!”
“Unconsciously baby” I teased him.
Suddenly, I felt like really teasing him. I bent forward; his eyes widened and he opened his mouth. He was sitting at first, so I moved my legs, so my legs were either side of his hips. Then I took hold of his shoulders and gently pushed him back at those fluffy pillows. Jacob grimaced, and his eyes widened even more. I was laughing inside because he was so adorable!
“You want me to touch you there, right?” I asked
Placing my hands at the sides of his thighs, gently patting it. His thighs stiffened and he sighed, taking my hand and moving it.
“You want to touch it” he said.
“I do” I replied, smugly.
Jacob creased his eyebrows, “You know what you’re making me think about?”
“No not really” I lied, “Tell me”
“I can show you,” he said.
Before I could reply, he took hold of my waist and pushed my down with him. My stomach and chest fell flat on his. And I looked up at him, “Hey you!”
He then put the quilt over both of us, “This feels good,” he said.
“Well not for me! You are so hard!” I said.
He looked at me and grimaced, “No I’m not,” he snapped.
It took time for me to realize what he thought I said, which made me burst into laugher, “I mean!! Haha…that your chest and stomach are hard”
He looked at the side, “oh”
When he looked at the side, I could see his neck. Neck on the guys are so beautiful, especially Jacob’s. I had this urge to touch it; I went much forward, lowered my face, and started kissing gently on his neck.
He is so beautiful, I thought all the time, I might not be able to control this feeling.
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loversarelonley - 28 mar 10 - 17:32
OMG! shit vad bra! jag vill verkligen att det ska bli dom ;)

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28 mar 10 - 00:21
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