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Tokyo Girls [Del 3]

vi har redan skrivit rätt mkt på just den här historien, det är nog för att den har mer liv än bara en text (lång historia) ja ja. vill så gärna lägga upp alla på samma gång men då kanske ingen kommenterar och det är inge kul :C så ska försöka hålla mig i skinnet XDDD

Kap 3


I went home with full rage knowing that Gary would be sitting exactly on my chair in my room. I didn’t even care about the snow crushing into my hair and ruining it, I didn’t even care about my dad whom was talking about me being irresponsible, I didn’t even care about Yama’s aced test or about the guy Asuka was talking about. My target was my room.
I stomped up stairs into my room and found a grinning guy sitting there exactly on my stool. Quickly, I threw off my bag on the floor and punched him off the chair. He looked up shocked, holding up his hand on the “wound” and started to laugh.
“If you really need my attention, just say it,” he said sarcastically.
“One more word from you and I’ll punch that thing of yours!” I screamed.
Gary was remained quiet and remained sitting on the floor; he was following his eyes at every movement I took. I was very mad, and very embarrassed about the incident with my boyfriend, I had known that he wasn’t the very best at fighting and stuff like that, he was more of the guy with looks but inside a mama’s boy. I had been thinking of a break up but since Gary and his friends joined the class, I can’t do that anymore.
“You aren’t even the same age as I am!” I yelled.
“I’m a criminal…” he mumbled, “I can do pretty much anything I want”
All I could do was stare at him ridiculously, “I’ll forgive you for joining school if you pretend to not knowing me!” I bargained.
Gary shook his head, “The whole purpose of joining was just to be with you”
“You really love ruining someone’s high school life huh?” I said, with my last hope shattered.
Gary grinned, “Of course!” he said with delight.


The girl whom came late really caught my attention. She was tall, and had an extremely weird hairstyle for girls these days. And the way she brushed my off, I really wanted her attention now, and now it’ll be fun.
I went inside the class and searched my eyes on the tall girl sitting on her desk. I went to her and took the desk next to her,
“Hey there!” I said, “Remember my name?” I asked.
She looked at me with tired eyes, “Uhh…the same as my father, right?” she answered dully.
“Correct, and may I ask for the pretty girl’s name?” I asked.
“Which one of them?” she answered.
“Yours” I replied.
Her eyes widened a bit and her lips parted, then she pouted them out, “Asuka” she said.
“Asuka…” I mumbled, “I’ll remember that” I said.
Some annoying girls came by with there annoying giggles and stood beside my desk, “Why aren’t you sitting with us?” all of them said, “Come with us!” one said, “You’ll be bored here! Especially with her!” the other one said.
I smiled, “Nahh, I’m pretty much having fun…” I said looking back at Asuka.
Asuka narrowed her eyes and then looked out of the window.
“Besides, I find her interesting,” I said, looking at the other girls, although I could feel her eyes on me.


Miharu was fighting with the new guy Gary as usual, and it seemed that they knew each other from the very beginning. It was very amusing to watch, but I couldn’t help but notice the other guy’s eyes always at me.
I looked at him and he held his eyes still on me. He looked pretty scary since he was very serious and his makeup and piercing scared me too. I gave an uncertain smile and awkwardly looked down at my notebook.
I could then hear footsteps closing to my. I saw from the corner of my eye that the chair next to me was pulled out and then back in with a presence on it. I looked up and found the scary guy.
Quickly I looked down at my notebook again but couldn’t concentrate at all at reading since he was looking at me. For some time it was getting annoying, so I looked back at him.
“What?” I asked.
He smiled, “Finally, you talked” he said, his voice was mild dark.
I frowned, “What’s that supposed to mean?” I asked puzzled.
He shifted much closer and glanced at my textbook, “I don’t have any. Mind if you share with me?” he asked, obviously changing the subject.
I shifted much further, but pulled the book closer to him, in between us, “Sure…” I said uncertain.
He took hold of my chair and pulled it closer to him, “It would be hard for you to read if you’re so far away…” he said.
That instance I stood up and took my books but not the textbook, “PERVERT” I screamed at him.
Everyone looked at us, Miharu stopped shouting and Gary tried to hold his laugh. The guy looked up at me and frowned. I shook my head and started walking out of the classroom, wanting to study at the library instead. Miharu ran after me with her books.
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blackgirl - 2 mar 10 - 18:49
stör mig inte på att det är engelska och svenska bara kul
en utmaning
alliiis - 24 feb 10 - 12:26
jag gillar den fortfarande,
Men har lite svårt för att konsentrera mig när det är på engelska XD
Försöker iaf :)

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23 feb 10 - 21:04
(Har blivit läst 116 ggr.)
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