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( Twilight ff ) Bree, spec ( Serie 1, del 11 )

Som jag har sagt så är den här delen lite annorlunda än dem andra delarna om Bree.
En special del, kan man väl säga XD.
Läs och njut.
Komentera gärna <33

The time went so fast in his company and I didn’t feel miserable anymore. Those feelings I had before were long gone and I wasn’t planning to feel that way again, anytime soon. I actually felt happy, loved and other feeling that I couldn’t even dream of before. I hadn’t called anyone in my family for the last few months. I’d miss them, a lot. There was apart of me that told me I should go home but another part said ` No, don’t go ´. I was thinking of going home, but I wasn’t sure of it, yet. There was me feeling homesick and then me feeling home again, here in Forks. Most of our time we where out, hunting, or we did other stuff.
He told me that he wanted me to meet his family, the kings, the Volturi. I had never ever met anyone of them in person, just stories. Sometimes Bella told me some of the experience she had been through with them, in my ears they didn’t sound very love-able. Of course she talked about all of them, Aro, Marcus, Felix, Alec and Jane, Caius, Demitri, Chelsea and Renata. Maybe it would be best if he met my family, first. The closer, the better.
I felt good about asking him if he wanted to meet my family, the ones who accepted me.
I walked down the stairs, from my room. I knew he might be home, if he wasn’t I’d have to call him. Again, I stopped half-way down the stairs to look myself in the mirror.
My eyes were melting honey, my white skin a little bit rosy on my cheeks, no purple, bruise colored rings under my eyes. I’ve sat my hair up, in a ponytail, it looked really good, well that’s what I thought.
As usual I had jeans on and a blue sweater, the clothes looked like anyone, human, would wear. I was surprised how regular my cloths looked on me, I actually looked human despite my pale skin and the honey colored eyes. And despite the super strength, the speed, our diet and our talents, oh right, I almost forgot, how we glitter in the sun. Despite all that we would be humans. I don’t understand how or why, Volturi wants to keep our existents a secret, maybe because the humans would be scared to death. And we would just run around killing people, is that it?
I shook of that terrifying thought and stroke one hand through my ponytail and walked down stairs. I felt unbelievable good, I was going to meet my family again that I haven’t met or called in about 5 months. I took the last step and sighed loudly ,no response.

“ Joseph? “ I tried. Nothing. No one answered me. I sighed again and picked up my phone out of my pocket. I dailed his number and waited for a voice. 1 signal, 2 signals, someone answered me.

“ Bree? “ his voice suspicious and surprised. Usually I wouldn’t call him, I would just go out and look for him.
“ Yeah, it’s me. Where are you? Can you come home? “ two questions in one sentence, nice.
“ Why? I’m just in the woods . . . has something happened to you? I’ll come right away “ he said and then his voice was gone and he didn’t gave me the time to answer him. I putted the phone back in my pocket while I was shaking my head. I walked towards the piano and sat down on the low cheer.

I had nothing to do so why not play a bit? I raised my fingers, a classic song filled the room. The door opened with a slam.

“ Bree? Are you okey? “ he asked hysterical, his voice was so high it sounded like Alice. I giggled but promised myself to be serious.
“ I’m fine “ I assured him “ I just . . . wanted to ask you something “ I said and then I felt a giggle coming up through my throat, again.
“ Oh, okey “ he calmed down and walked to the piano where I was playing. I smiled so I showed my white teeth, I giggled again. He looked at me, his eyes was, of course, melting. I had to blink to get free from his lovely eyes, I looked down on my fingers and took a deep breath.
“ Do you want to meet my family? “ I said and made a hopeful face “ You don’t have to – “ I interrupted myself and shut my mouth. I opened it again but closed it and then again. I put one hand in front of my mouth. I have to let him think I kept telling myself. He took one step closer to me and nodded.
“ Yes “ he added after his nod. Immediately I stopped playing and my hand flew up to cover a scream of joy. I couldn’t speak, I was speechless. I stood up but couldn’t take one step closer to him, maybe my feet was glued to the floor. When I finally found the ability to speak all I could say was.
“ Oh my god “

He laughed when I kept saying those words, again and again. The homesick feeling won, I was going home.
“ Now? “ I asked him and started jumping up and down on my feet.
“ Sure, why not “ I wanted to put both hands in front of my mouth but I was frozen. He chuckled once. I smiled and jumped into his arms.
This was going to end great, I would meet my family who I’ve missed so unbelievably much.
I smiled at him, he had one eyebrow raised and he smiled. His expression was too complicated to read, but what I could guess, he looked happy and I was happy with him. I kissed him lightly on his lips, he kissed me back.

Da, da, da, dah.
Det var Bree SPECIAL, på engelska, hoppas ni gillade den lika mycket som jag hade kul och skriva den XD.
Komentera gärna <33
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Joseephineh - 18 jul 09 - 11:42- Betyg:
näääh, uuusch!
Ja orkar inte läsa på engelska o.O
Sandra353 - 16 jul 09 - 23:22- Betyg:
Ladda upp på svenska? Är för trött för att läsa på engelska just nu i allafall så antagligen läser jag den i morgon och då får en en komentar (A)

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16 jul 09 - 21:58
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