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Angels do cry! (oneshot)

On a shinyday a little angel girl, sat right in the middle
of a meadow, her blond hair was flowing in the wind,
and nobody could se her light blue eyes behind her tears!
one tear after another was like climbing down her cheek.
Every day she sits in her big casle and force a smlie,
and protending to be happy..
A lot a people talk to her, but the don't say anything,
She looks at the people around her, but she doesn't se anything!
After every one is gone, she wonders:
"Does someone see my real feeling, after i put on the mask?"
She's unhappy, every day she puts on lots of glamouros things!
and live her rich life,! but some one else is a lot more happier than her!
even if they ar poor, and live outside.
" why is it only me that's unhappy?" she asked herself!
Then she realised that you don't have to be rich to be happy!
you don't have to live in a big as casle just to feel safe!
And you don't have to mind what other people say about you,
because that's not her problem, that's their problem!

Now she don't have to put on a mask, every one accepted her even if she wasn't always happy!
and now she can cry without hiding,
and now she can die without feeling guilty, about not showing who she realy is!
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17 feb 09 - 17:06
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