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You are beautiful.

When we meet, I don't know how to act.
My feelings are jumping inside like butterflies.
Your smile makes my day, that's all I need.
My feelings for you are real, every word I say is true.
Never doubt my words or love, it would be a big mistake.
If I ever have to let you go, I will turn into a living dead.
I won't be the same as I am today.

You are my everything, the absolutely best I got.
Noone will ever be able to take your spot in my heart.
I'm rather happy with you, than trying to be happy with somebody else.
You've totaly changed me, this is the first time I'm so happy, and I want to continue like that.
I don't have to worrie that you wont be there when I need you, caus you will.

I love everything about you, your hair, lips, eyes. Oh, everything. I can't say everything caus this text will be too long.
If I could, I would give you the whole world to you. I would bring the moon for you.
But that's impossible, I hope my love for you is good enough.

You are so beautiful, and I love you for the one you are, with my whole heart.
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9 dec 08 - 14:59
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