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All was a Dream

I sitting in the dark
waiting for you
i thought that you be here right now

There's nothing but the rain
No footsteps on the ground
Im listening but there's no sound

Im looking for a place
Im searching for a face
Is anybody here i know

Couse nothing's going right
And everything's a mess
And no one like's to be alone

Why are im so confusing
I cant think straigt
Im losing all the grip right now

Im cant feel my legs
I cant feel my hands
I can only feel my heart beating

And there you stood
All alone and by your self
And i walked through the rain

To you in the dark
Im glad i saw your face
Couse els o would'nt be in'love right now

And then i woked up from a dream
Now im still seeking for you face
To be in'love again...

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Fisfilip - 5 maj 08 - 16:32- Betyg:
den var skit bra<3
Archangel_Mikael - 5 maj 08 - 13:23- Betyg:
först tack för alla dina komentarer:)
sen...denna var fin och bra.. känslosam... keep up the good work

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4 maj 08 - 21:00
(Har blivit läst 259 ggr.)
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