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your success!

I´m closing my eyes,
frighten of what I may see.

I´m trapt in a sea,
and I´ve drown into your eyes.

What am I supposed to do,
when everything feels right and wrong...
In the same time?
What´s the meaning with love,
if it´s just there to hurt?

You say things that makes me belive,
but nothing of what you say,
is for real...
So why don´t you just shut up?!
Stop confusing me,
and make it all worse!

You wanted me to ask questions,
but why?
When I almost tell you how I feel,
what I want...
You seems to still don´t understand.
Why did you wanted my questions,
if you still wont answer,
when I´m asking you seriosly?

What do you want from me?
Don´t you want me,
so tell me...
You hasn´t told me yet,
what you want between us...
But I´ve destroyd it now,
I know that...
But what went wrong?
You said you´re stupied,
that nothing of this is my fault...
But still you make me feel,
like it all is...

You´re hurting me,
when you don´t say nothing at all...
Maybe you isn´t man enough,
to stand up for what you want,
or to say that you don´t want...

But at least be a man,
to tell me if you want me...
Be a man enough to tell me the fucking truth!
I can´t know what you want,
when you just make me confused,
and by not answering my questions,
when you want to hear them from me.
What the fuck is your problem?
Do you want to hurt me for real?
Well, you´ve reached your success!
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Lundin89 - 14 maj 08 - 09:52- Betyg:
kommer ihår dessa långa samtal vi hade om detta .
känns som en evighet sen inte sant?!

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4 mar 08 - 15:19
(Har blivit läst 242 ggr.)
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