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Dikter om vänskap

[b]Never. [/b]

You're ain't a friend.
You never was.

You showed me, that you ain't the right to trust.
Now I don't trust you, I stoped with that ever since,
you took the boy I loved.
Cause then you showed me, that you about me, never ever cared.

I don't love you.
I never really did.

You crossed my heart into a million pieces,
when you talked shit behind my back.
And after that you told me how good and beautiful I was.
Don't lie, bitch.
I know you don't think that.
Don't even try, bitch.
I always walked to you, too.
And believe me, it was a long way to go.
Then when I came to you, you were sitting by the phone.
There you talked, all the fucking time.
Me, yeah , I told you that was fine. But you and I both knew, that that wasn't what I felt inside.

So I'll tell you.

You are not my friend.
You've never been.

My mind is made up by the way that you made me feel.

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fridolina - 14 aug 07 - 18:51- Betyg:
ojj, va fint bjuutifull..<3, loved it :), den var så sorlig, och ärlig, och jag älskar sista raden " My mind is made up by the way that you made me feel" 10 +;P<3

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14 aug 07 - 10:02
(Har blivit läst 395 ggr.)
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