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•The Saviour Can´t Save Himself •

The medal hanging from his neck, honour and
glory for his deeds so great. Our hero, we praise
with thundering applauds as we raise our hands to
bless his path. You carry our burdens oh gallant,
holy knight. Will you for us, save our lives? In
return you asks of nothing such as gold or might.
A statue in remembrence will be carved in stone
for you, our hero to last long by rain or storm. No
villain nor demon can withstand the streangth in
your sacred light, gifted by gods and doomed by
your own. In legends and in myths, your tales will
be told. Of a man who´s gift was to save the lives
of us all, but foolishly, could not save his own. And
it is with tears we mourn your saintly soul, and in
your hand, close to heart, we give you our banner
to be forever hold, by the greatest man we have
ever known...

Forgive us father, for we have sinned. It is me and
all those other mortal women and men. That you,
our god, should judge and blame. My heart will
tremble and it will die, when I tell you of that
shamefull tale. Considered by evil men, love and
kindness a weakness is. And a weakness it was
when our hero on his horse, rode of to save yet
another day. Left behind in his heroic trail, his
beloved wife stood waving him goodbye with a
lonely broken heart, knowing that once her man
was back in her arms, she would forever be gone.
And so it came to be known that the hero who
undeafeated was, by all sorts of mean and dirty
tricks, ended up sending himself to the gates of
heaven where he met his maker and forgiven was.

And now, forever engraved in stone, the most
important words are known...
The Saviour Can´t Save Himself...

Hear my words~~ Deppnalle
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Kommentarer - (Snittbetyg: 5)
fuckwithmyheart - 11 aug 07 - 22:10- Betyg:
Fina ord.
Deppnalle - 7 jul 07 - 12:25
Jag tackar :)
Neon - 7 jul 07 - 12:15- Betyg:
Braaa... <3

Skriven av
7 jul 07 - 10:49
(Har blivit läst 652 ggr.)
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