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Love made me blind

I know what happened
but should I have tried to find you?
I didn't really know how to find you
I didn't really know where to find you
and I didn't dare to guess

I was so afraid
It tore me apart
but I didn't want to risk to lose you
though that became the concequences in the end

I'm never wanted to hurt you
What I want
what I always want
and always will want

is to change
cause feeling sorry
just eats me up
and then I can't take care of you
as much as I wanted to
But I hope that you know
that I always love you
whatever I do
If I hurt you again
That is not what I want
I make mistakes
Lots of mistakes

and I hate that my mistakes
risks our friendship
I just hope
that the next mistake I'll do
is when we're dead

I'm sorry that I love you so much that I make mistakes
maybe love's made me blind^^
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lill_ella - 19 aug 07 - 22:28
slutet är finurligt, bra och genomtänkt!
lill_ella - 20 maj 07 - 01:53
"I'm never wanted to hurt you
What I want
what I always want
and always will want

is to change
cause feeling sorry
just eats me up
and then I can't take care of you
as much as I wanted to
But I hope that you know
that I always love you
whatever I do
If I hurt you again
That is not what I want
I make mistakes
Lots of mistakes

Den biten gillade jag mest.
Speciellt första stycket.

Skriven av
20 maj 07 - 00:47
(Har blivit läst 213 ggr.)
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