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Dikter om sorg

Like a bullet in my head

I got no one
I distance myself from my people
I actively choose to be alone
Far away from them
The only people that matter
That actually make a difference in my life
That make me feel something
Something good
It’s like I can’t handle it
Like I can’t handle the fact that I to
Am deserving of feeling loved and happiness
But I want it
I crave it
So bad
That I every day envy the people around me
The people around me that seems to handle feelings, love and relationships
They make it look so easy
But to me
It’s a fucking war zone
I fight
I cry
I’ll rip my heart out
For anyone willing to see me
Care for me
Love me
The way I love

But the past years I’ve come to the realization that,
That kind of love doesn’t exist
For anyone else
Than me

I’m the only one who can love so hard
So hard it seriously become a death trap
A clean and shiny way straight to hell

Because my feelings are explosive
And I…
I am the bomb
Waiting to explode
By the slightest touch
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28 jan 22 - 14:14
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